What does it take to lead a successful process improvement project? Whitehall spoke to Kara Mae Cruz and Marie Paz Quilnat, Certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt of Home Credit PH, and asked their valuable insights on what helped them hurdle their first project.
Whitehall: What was your key takeaway in your Green Belt certification program?
Kara Mae Cruz: My key takeaways in the Green Belt certification program are:
- I gained a deeper understanding of Lean Six Sigma methodology, tools and applications and was able to appreciate its concepts more
- I acquired the necessary knowledge and skills to use the DMAIC approach in business process improvement which will definitely help me in my new role as Project Manager
- I applied the acquired learning by conducting my very own Lean Six Sigma project. This gave me the confidence to lead more projects that will help the company to have a more effective and efficient process.
Marie Paz Quilnat: Changing the mindset and creating a new perspective can aide anyone who wants to pursue greenbelt. For me, it’s taking a step back to see the whole picture while doing the greenbelt processes.
Whitehall: How did you use your new Lean Six Sigma knowledge to drive process improvement?
Kara Mae Cruz: Aside from the continuous application of what I have learned, I’m also sharing the knowledge that I’ve learned to my friends and colleagues to motivate them on doing process improvements in our company as well and to encourage them to be certified Green belters in the future.
Marie Paz Quilnat: For me, I challenged my team to help me improve our processes. I am happy that they are able to do it already and I just guide them on their progress.
Level up your career. Start your Lean Six Sigma journey now. To know more, send us an email: info@whitehall.com.ph